Sustainability On Campus
Sustainable Living While Visiting Campus
Our global fight against the climate crisis is far from over. The University of Maryland will accelerate its goal to become a net carbon-neutral campus by 2025. It is my hope that these measures will help inspire every one of us to commit to the reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions for our planet and for our people.
Our Green Office Commitment
Conferences & Visitor Services has made its own pledge to make our services greener. Here are a few tips and ideas on ways to make your event or meeting more eco-friendly. Plant the first seeds, and watch your meeting flourish. Partnering with the campus Green Office initiative, C&VS has taken steps to make our offices and operations aligned with the university's sustainability goals.
Help Keep Maryland Green During Your Visit!
Students at the University of Maryland know that every person can make a positive impact on the Earth’s environment – through daily habits that reduce energy consumption and waste by reusing products before discarding them, and by recycling all plastics, paper, cardboard, metal and glass.
Our entire campus has made great strides in the last few years to be sustainable. This effort has ranged from facility improvements and purchasing procedures to the better use of technology. Creating a sustainable campus environment requires the help and support of all campus citizens, from students, staff, faculty and the many visitors who come to our campus each year.
During your stay with us (and, hopefully, even after you leave), we hope you will join our efforts to Reduce...Reuse...Recycle!
This may be easier than you think! To help you while you are staying in our Residence Halls, we have developed a checklist of daily sustainability habits below. Every small effort helps!

In Your Traditional Residence Hall
- Take shorter showers, ideally five minutes or less. Try getting wet, then turning water off or down while you soap and scrub, before turning water back on (or up) to rinse.
- Turn faucets off while you brush your teeth, shave, etc.
- Call 4-WORK (301-314-9675) to report water waste from dripping faucets, showerheads, etc. or report this to your service desk.
- Remember to turn off the lights in your room when you leave.
In Your Apartment or Suite
- During your summer stay, keep your thermostats at 78 degrees or higher. Keep blinds closed to keep sunlight out and maintain cooler inside temperatures.
- Turn off the fan in the air-conditioning unit (or at least set it to Low) when no one will be in the room.
- Keep windows closed when air conditioning is on.
- Report windows or doors that will not close properly to 4-WORK (301-314-9675) or report this to your service desk.
- Take shorter showers, ideally five minutes or less. Try getting wet, then turning water off or down while you soap and scrub, before turning water back on (or up) to rinse.
- Turn faucets off while you brush your teeth, shave, etc.
- Call 4-WORK (301-314-9675) to report water waste from dripping faucets, showerheads, etc.
- Use the recycling bin provided in your suite/apartment for all your recyclables: metal, plastic, glass, paper and cardboard. Then take this to the recycling containers provided for your building and community. Single stream green recycling containers for paper, cardboard, metal, glass and plastic are located outdoors, next to trash dumpsters. Single stream recycling containers for paper, glass, metal and plastic are also located inside the Leonardtown Community Center, Annapolis Hall and the Harford Hall service area.

While Out and About On Campus
- Recycle – all together– METAL, GLASS, PAPER and PLASTIC. You’ll find recycling bins throughout the campus both indoors and outside.
- Carry a reusable water bottle or mug, and refill it at water fountains in the dining halls, shops across campus, and “hydration stations” in the Stamp Union. Doing this will save you money, reduce the amount of plastic entering the waste stream, and reduce energy costs of producing plastic bottles.
- Walk, bike, or use the shuttle instead of driving a personal vehicle, whenever possible.
- Recyclable plastics can be placed in campus recycling containers including beverage bottles; microwavable food trays; laundry, dish and shampoo containers; and common food containers for yogurt, butter, salad dressing, milk and juice.

Hosting Meetings and Events
- Host registration online and utilize reuseable badges, badge holders and signage.
- Electronically distribute your event materials and handouts.
- Minimize packing and shipping materials.
- Encourage attendees to carpool and use mass transit options.
- Buy local products and utilize campus catering.